First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 119:1-2;4-5;17-18;33-34 (R. 1b)
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
Alleluia: Matthew 11:25
Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37

Igwe Johnpaulmary


Wow this Gospel has alot of moral...

What I learnt from this Gospel is that you need to make peace with whoever that you are having a squabble with.

For God cannot answer our prayer while we are not in good terms with one another.

That is why St. Francis said in his prayer God make me and instrument of peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love. So, whoever sees us as children of God, sees a symbol of peace.

I also learnt the importance of mortifying our senses especially the sight, for he who looks at a women lustfully has committed adultery with her in his heart, for the eye is the mirror of the soul. In the other way round, never you as a woman, be an instrument of scandal to men because you will never go unpunished.

Lastly, as Christians let us live the life we teach to people; let us be the light of the world; let us keep all the commandments of God with fear and trembling and surely we will make heaven.

Mrs. Sandra Obiadazie


Good day my brothers and sisters in the Lord.

My sharing in today's readings is that we are responsible for what ever life we are living, for God has given us guidelines to follow which is the commandments, so the choice is ours whether to abide by it or not, and by so doing you are choosing where to spend your eternity i.e life after death.

Furthermore, no sin will go unpunished. Those little mistakes we make in our daily lives thinking they're nothing, today we must know that they all count before God.

My dear brethren, let us retreat now and try to amend our ways for no sin is small before our God.

May God give us the grace to do his will and to abstain from sin in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Chika Nwaozuzu



The all knowing and loving God has given us a free will to choose. Notwithstanding, his desire is for us to choose rightly because every choice has a consequence. 

This also brings to mind the fact that no word of God stands alone. Moses the servant of God presented this same choice to the people of Israel in the book Deuteronomy. Joshua did the same in the book of Joshua. 
The choice we make in keeping and following the instructions of God is the only access we have to life and at the end, eternal life with God of which no eyes had seen nor any ear has heard what he has prepared for his children. On the other way round, the choice to sin i.e by not obeying the commands of the Lord, will lead us to eternal life in hell.

But God's desire for creating us in the first place was for us to live with him in eternity which is why he is admonishing us to choose life so that at the end of our life here on earth, we will be with him in heaven. With that right choice, God's eyes that sees all things will always guide us in the right direction. 

In the last part of the gospel, Jesus wants our yes to be yes. No need to swear by anything to anyone for conviction because we neither made heaven nor earth nor anything on our body. 

May the Lord of all wisdom grant us the grace to walk by his decrees through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Ucheegbunam OkeyMaria


Good evening brethren!

I admire so much the unfathomable love and rare generosity of God our Father shown in the first reading (Sirach 15:14-15) which states the freedom of choice and in the Gospel acclamation (Matt. 11:25), revelation of the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children.

Lastly, I borrow the statement of police men each time they come to arrest someone they always say: "Remain silent! For anything you say now will be used against u in the court of law". 

Now I say to us, "Let our YES be yes and our NO be no always, irrespective of the situation whether friendly or unfriendly, for anything else attach to it, is of the devil.

Jennifer Nwatu


Brethren, among the mature, we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age!

I find this particular aspect of this writing of St. Paul quite interesting since it speaks about our responsibility of imparting which isn't only limited to the young or immature but inclusive, to the mature. It is our duty- your duty and my duty to collectively impart others. 

The question before us is, what kind of impact are you making on others?
Is it the kind that would lead to building or destruction?

Let us make deliberate effort to learn good and positive things, so as to carry out this responsibility of ours, smoothly; bearing in mind that the Spirit moves at His will and always!

May God increase our wisdom and keep us disposed to be at the service of one another, Amen.

Peter Chibundu


I will emphasize the Gospel reading; it talks more about forgiveness, and not only to forgive but also to forget as well. Many times we talk about forgiveness saying that is not easy to forget as we think, but Jesus has shown us how we can go about it. He gives us laid down rules on how we can live our life.

Let me talk more about the issues he raised on insults and swearing. This is to tell you that all these negative impressions are harmful to our spiritual well-being. However, many of us see it as business-as-usual, we have nonchalant attitudes towards these and Jesus has categorically condemned it. Take for instance our pagan brethren, you see how they use their gods to swear, and, today, many Christians imitate them. Sadly, some of us will remove our two slippers to prove how truthful we are, but this should have no place in the Christian life. Let your Yes be Yes and let your No be No.

 We continue to pray that our Lord Jesus Christ helps us to be better Christians through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Amen.

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